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Our Reality: Plastic Pollution

Plastic manufacturing is among the top 3 global greenhouse emitters from manufacturing, aside from cement and steel, accounting for ~12% of total CO2 in the atmosphere. 40% of all plastic made are single use. 8 million tons of plastic waste end up in the sea, that is 80% of all ocean debris: fishnets, styrofoam packaging, straws, candy wrappers, the list goes on. The most shocking number of all: by 2050, the amount of ocean plastic is estimated to surpass fish in weight.


Microplastics – smaller plastic particles <5 mm long – now can be found everywhere from Mount Everest to table salt. It’s also among the biggest threats to marine animals especially seabirds.



One in a Million

A lone fish swimming in a sea of edible plastic – we are what we eat.

Dashi jelly, Arctic Char, Spicy Emulsion


Left: Dead Laysan Albatross chicks at Midway Atoll filled with plastic debris, by Chris Jordan; Right: Colin Sim


The 1.56 billion disposable face masks that entered the oceans in 2020 are just the tip of the plastic pollution iceberg. They are leaching heavy metals and nano-plastics into our environment.



• Order less takeout.

• Use less packaging.

• Do less laundry.

• Refuse all single use plastics.

• Recycle.

Other challenges we're facing:

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